
Revisi Jadwal Audisi Warga Lab Informatika 2013

Diberitahukan kepada seluruh calon warga lab, karena banyak sekali kendala apabila tes diadakan hari Selasa & Rabu (07 & 08 Mei 2013). Oleh karena itu, seluruh tes warga lab informatika, dialihkan ke hari Kamis (09 Mei 2013) semua, mulai pukul 08.00 WIB, mengenai detail jadwalnya akan kami publish maksimal selasa (07 Mei 2013), pukul 23.59, atas perhatiannya disampaikan terima kasih.

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    The Informatics Lab Citizen Audition Schedule is well-structured and organized, with a brief introduction, required documents, and contact information. The schedule should be double-checked for accuracy and should include a section for potential changes or updates. It should align with legal requirements for citizen auditions, specify the audition location, and include breaks or rest periods if needed. The criteria used to evaluate participants during the auditions should be clear and concise. The schedule should be accessible for all participants, including those with disabilities, and proofread for grammatical errors. Transparency should be enhanced by a section explaining the selection process and a reminder for early arrival. Accommodations for individuals with special needs should be mentioned, and accommodations should be provided. FAQ sections, links to resources, and specific rules should be clearly stated. The schedule should align with local or national holidays and include a statement about the lab's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.


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