Pembagian Kelompok dan Materi Presetasi OPREC 2016
Berikut ini adalah daftar peserta yang lolos registrasi OPREC 2016:
Hal-hal yang harus di perhatikan :
- Peserta DIWAJIBKAN datang sebelum jam 07.00 WIB di lab CC pada 9 April 2016.
- Peserta diharuskan membuat presentasi dengan materi yang sudah ditentukan.
- Silahkan berkoordinasi dengan kelompok masing-masing tentang materi presentasi tersebut.
- Materi presentasi dikumpulkan ke panitia pada saat registrasi.
- Apabila tidak melakukan salah satu point di atas maka akan dikurangi poinnya, atau dieliminasi!
Silahkan download filenya di sini
Great organization of OPREC 2016! The early arrival requirement ensures a smooth start. Coordinating with assigned groups for presentation materials fosters teamwork. Providing a download link for necessary files is convenient for participants. Well done on creating a well-structured and participant-friendly event!
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The list of participants who successfully completed the group and administrative tasks for OPREC Warga Lab 2016 demonstrates their diligence and commitment. Thanks to everyone who finished this phase successfully! I am having hurdle getting started on my dissertation. I’ve heard that writing a strong dissertation proposal is key, but I’m not sure where to begin. How did you all approach your dissertation proposal? Was there a specific structure you followed or any tips that helped you stay on track? I’d really appreciate hearing about your experiences or any advice that could guide me in the right direction. Thanks in advance!